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    Friday, May 29, 2009

    common sense for preggos.

    1. if you have gestational diabetes, don't ask your nurse if you can eat powdered donuts for breakfast while you're in labor. seriously.

    2. get a car seat for the infant and bring it with you to the hospital. you just might need it if you are planning on taking the child home with you.

    3. if you think or know you're pregnant, SEE A DOCTOR. please don't wait until it's been 36 weeks since the child was made.

    4. think you're water is broke? NOW is a good time to go to the hospital.

    5. don't skip meals. you may not be hungry, but the kid inside you is. and would probably like something to drink. a coke for breakfast should not be the only thing you've ingested all day.


    Anonymous said...

    HAHA...I love it! I'll have to help add to this list as they come up. This is Whitney by the way.

    The Allens said...

    LOL!!! Sounds like you must have had a fun day at work! And yes seriously...I dont understand how people can be so ignorant when it comes to knowing right from wrong during pregnancy!!!

    Unknown said...

    Wow...Don't people just amaze you??? The scary thing is then they go home with the baby and there is no nurse there, no hospital staff waiting to supervise. YIKES.

    Carly said...

    Wow, Ash. The funny thing is, that one day when I have a baby, I might not have remembered to bring the car seat. Haha... But I don't know what I would do in that circumstance, :)

    People are strange.