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    Friday, March 27, 2009


    March 25, 2009

    Our friends Kendall & Brian had their baby! Here's a picture of the hospital doorhanger I made for them!

    We also put an offer on this house for sale, and the offer was accepted! God willing, we'll close on April 30!

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    Read This Book!

    Lately I've been a bit discouraged in my spiritual life, falling into the (untrue) thinking that I have not performed well enough for the Lord and He must be getting irritated at me, especially for my sins of omission. Of course He is not, He deals with me based on the finished work of Christ but I tend to slide into this thinking wrongly without realizing it, and it makes for some kind of misery!
    So on Sunday, after listening to a wonderful sermon by my pastor on grace (which is really every Sunday) I realized how deeply my false thinking was affecting my relationship with the Lord. I scanned our book table at church and read the back of Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges:
    Funny how the exceeding riches of God's grace seem to run out the moment we're saved. From then on, we tend to base our relationship with Him on our performance rather than on His grace. Of course, God continues to deal with us on the basis of His grace, whether or not we understand it. It's just that when we don't, we forgo the abundant freedoms that come from not having to measure up.

    Exactly what I needed. Funny how we so easily "forget" the gospel of grace. I try to remind myself of it daily but it's nice to have someone else 'preach' it for you. This book has done just that! I highly recommend it. Sometimes I think my problem is that God's grace, kindness and mercy is so amazing that it's hard to believe that it is really true! Anyway, snag a copy of this good book! I'm positive it is one I will read and re-read for years to come. Click on the picture of the book for a link!

    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    Worse than I think I am...

    Some words from C.H. Spurgeon:

    "If you feel you are desperately bad, remember you are worse than you think you are. Your case is in itself desperate, hopeless, damnable! If you feel that you are lost, you do not feel too strongly, you are in the true light where God will meet with you. The Lord will not consent to parley with you on the ground that you are not much of a sinner, and that after all your sin is not a great evil. No, he will meet you where the truth is and nowhere else; when you confess that you are unworthy of his pity, you are owning the truth, and when you feel guilty, you feel what is really fact; on this footing of truth, sad truth though it be, the Lord will meet with you through the atoning blood. It is in your vileness that sovereign grace o'er sin abounding will come to you and cleanse you, and therefore the sooner you come to the honest truth the better for you, for the sootier will you obtain joy and peace through believing in Christ..."

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009


    So this is me on September 6, 2008 on my wedding day getting all beautified to become Ryan's wife. Our wedding was a dream! I was calm and relaxed and could hardly wait until 2 o'clock. I am so blessed that the Lord has called me to be Ryan's wife. He is such a sweet reminder of what a great Savior we have!

    How to respond when tagged:
    Here are the directions:
    1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
    2. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)!
    3. Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.
    4. Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!ged:
    Here are the directions:
    1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
    2. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)!
    3. Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.
    4. Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!
    • Lauryn
    • Trent
    • ummm can't think of anyone else who hasn't done this! Tag yourself!